Paisley Balloon Aviation

Ride Information

Plan about 3 hours for your ballooning experience.

This includes time for preparation and briefing, inflation, flight, retrieval and packup, post-flight celebration and the return trip to our meeting point.

We schedule flights during the time period that wind conditions are most likely to be favorable. Morning flights begin at sunrise; afternoon flights begin about 2 hours before sunset. The flight itself will last approximately an hour. Safety considerations such as appropriate landing sites or changing weather will determine the exact length of the flight.

Schedule of Rates 2022

DescriptionCost for 1 PersonCost for 2 PeopleCost for 3 People *
Champagne Flight $500 $750 $1000
Private Flight $750 $800 Not available
Tether $1500 for first hour/$500 each additional 30 minutes
(plus $.75 per mile when total distance is greater than 25 miles).

* 3 person flights are NOT available during the hot summer months

To schedule your balloon experience,


Paisley Balloon Aviation

1104 E. Willowbrook Drive
Burlington, NC 27215
(336) 227-0218


IntroductionCameron Balloons